What is a Progressive Web Application?
A progressive web application is an app that utilizes web browser API’s, and are applicable to be installed on a mobile home screen. A progressive web app can be installed on Android and iOS smartphones by means of either Google Play store or Apple’s app store. After this app has been installed on a smartphone, it’s accessible from its icon on the phone’s home screen.
Pros of Using a Progressive Web Application :
1: Has Similarities with a Native App
A progressive web application resembles an ordinary website. Users find that an app connects to and functions on the internet with more or less similar speed as that of a website. What’s more, many have found that accessing an app over a smart phone is more convenient than accessing a website on a personal computer and a laptop. It’s more convenient to access an app over a lightweight smartphone than to use a web browser on a heavier device-a PC and a laptop.
2: Easy to Install
A smartphone user finds that the convenience of accessing a PWA over a mobile device comes with the quick and easy installment of the app. With quick internet connection speed, the installment of an app takes around a maximum of five to ten minutes.
3: Can be Installed on Any Kinds of Smartphones
A smartphone user doesn’t have to pick a specific kind or kinds of smartphone(s) to access an app. A PWA can be installed on any kinds of smartphones. It’s important to keep in mind, though, that each kind of smartphone has different steps in installing a PWA.
4: Can Function Offline
If a user can’t access the internet, an app can still function in offline mode. The internal service features of an app enable its data to be saved and cached.
5: Sends Push Notifications
The push notifications feature of an app instantly lets the user know important notifications. With this said, this feature plays an important role in letting a user be in the know of urgent information that revolves both in one’s personal life and at work. On the other side, the push notifications feature is also an influential thing in exposing the brands that are integrated with different apps.
6: Free from App Distribution Platforms
It can be a bummer to have to install various apps from different distribution platforms. Certain apps that are removed from specific distribution platforms a user has access to can’t be installed. The good news, is that, a PWA can be installed without having to utilize any app distribution platform.
7: Is Integrated with Strong Security Features
A PWA utilizes HTTPS to protect the information in it. Keeping this in mind, an app’s security features minimize instances of security breaches, snooping, content hacking, and other privacy and unlawful activities.
8: Minimizes the Cost for Development
Given the fact that it’s easy to install a PWA on a smartphone, the cost for its development is minimized, as well. Developers would not have to spend a substantial amount of effort and time in enhancing an app.
Cons of Using a Progressive Web Application :
1: Is Not Compatible in Some Operating Systems
The catch is that not all operating systems of any smartphone is compatible with a progressive web application. Consult a smartphone’s sales associate if in doubt of the compatibility of an app or some apps with specific operating systems.
2: Can Cause Quick Battery Drainage
An app drains the power of the battery of a mobile device faster than a user may expect. Such a situation is the case as a progressive web application consumes substantial amount of power of the smartphone’s central processing unit.
3: Has Different Features as the Native Apps
A progressive web app is not perfect. Despite all of the benefits a user gets from a progressive web app, it still has different features from the native apps.
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